Ratschlag erbeten...

Begonnen von wölfchen, 20.Sep.19 um 15:34 Uhr

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wahrscheinlich dact. fuchsii

Würdet ihr die nochmals umlegen und warten, bis mehr Wurzeln gebildet wurden oder würdet ihr auspflanzen ?

Für Ratschläge wäre ich sehr dankbar ...

LG wölfchen

marcel van den Berg

Hi Wölfchen,

Now is not the best time to deflask Dactylorhiza, i would replate them one more time and deflask them februari / march next year.
That is what i did last year with fantastic results  :classic

Another option is to keep them in this container until next spring, but it's possible that the seedlings will stay smaller.

LG Marcel


Marcel, thanks a lot  :thumb
Most helpfull!

By the way, your seedlings look great!

LG wölfchen


Weniger gelobt ist genug kritisiert (frei nach Peter Altmaier)


They look nice. I also think it would be the best way to seperate them an d to put 3 or 4 in a glas. From Dezember to end of February they need a Cold period and with begin of growing in spring yu can put them into soil.
Grüße Jürgen


Beste Grüße



Thank you all !
That's really good advice and I'll proceed as suggested :yes

LG wölfchen