Thelymitra in question

Begonnen von lazzaret, 19.Sep.19 um 09:46 Uhr

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i have sown thelymitra seeds on cardboard and a lot of nucleus begin to break their tegument.

in addition to the cardboard, i have done a mix of soil and pieces of old wood. I can see a lote of fungus growing but my problem is that i don't see any fungus coming around the seeds, so i'm afraid that their evolution stop at this step.

what can i do in order to inoculate a "good" fungus ? and which fungus ? any idea ?




finally i have added one fungus of mine. This fungus seems to have an interest for the germinating seeds. Hope to see more in some time...


Weniger gelobt ist genug kritisiert (frei nach Peter Altmaier)

michael z

Please keep us up to date! It is very interesting. Could you describe in detail how you have achieved the germination?


Very cool.

I'm often impressed by the colors of the flowers, a very nice genus.
,, Die Deutschen haben eine Besessenheit, jede Sache so weit zu treiben, bis eine böse daraus geworden ist."

George Bernard Shaw (Nobelpreisträger für Literatur)


Zitat von: michael z am 05.Nov.19 um 19:03 Uhr
Please keep us up to date! It is very interesting. Could you describe in detail how you have achieved the germination?

hard to explain more for me, in english... but to resume : good seeds, good fungus. I'm not sure the fungus is the good one but i had this one, local strain, germinating some anacamptis species, so i tried it and you see the result. In order to connect fungus and seeds, you need a media to feed the fungus. Usually, you put the seeds disinfected on the media and you finally add a piece of agar inoculated with the fungus. In a few days, you should see the fungus grow and reach the seeds. What is difficult is to find a fungus working...

in addition, i'll say i haven't infected the seeds but the protocorms, only this, is new, and seems to work as well as using dry seeds.


resumption of experiments with thelymitra orchid seeds but this time on heathland (soil from "Landes" area (france)). It's a crazy germination. I have never seen that before. Germination occurred in one week only.


Amazing lazzaret. I am looking forward what happened in future!


I remain suspicious. When a species germinates easily, the culture is more complicated. Hope there will be a future.


Zitat von: lazzaret am 10.Jun.21 um 12:52 Uhr
I remain suspicious. When a species germinates easily, the culture is more complicated. Hope there will be a future.
Thats a good mindset.
Weniger gelobt ist genug kritisiert (frei nach Peter Altmaier)