Ophrys philippei (Ophrys philippii)

Begonnen von lacaitae1990, 14.Apr.20 um 16:49 Uhr

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I'm very proud to introduce you one of the most strange and mysterious bee orchid : Ophrys philippei.
Endemic from one plateau in France near Toulon, this Ophrys was rediscovered in 2000 by P.M Blais after being forgotten during more than one century !
It's origins as a stable hybrid or a species is still debated.
This is the jewel of my country and one of the rarest Ophrys in Europe.
Sorry for the poor pics, better will come.



Thank you very much Norbert ! I forgot to put the links,  by the way I especially love the first one « orchid with an history »


Ophrys philippei, an other flower today

walter b.